Tuesday, 4 November 2008

The Busy and Lonely PIC

Estee says...

Been at my desk since 9:30am and here I am still at my desk!! It has been a long, busy day and I even thought it was Thursday today....I couldn't be more wrong :-(

C and I usually conversate during the working week via email, text and the odd sneaky phone call at our desks. But nothing from him today until about 14 mins ago...he works real hard in the real world while I work just as hard in the reel world shall we say :-)

Thank the lord there is something to look fwd to next month...C and I are off to Paris and then just before Christmas were heading to Galway, Ireland where he is from...I'm very excited!!!

Do you work to live? Or live to work?

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Mad weekend...like mushrooms?!

It's been one of those weekends..

It was rainy and miserable, central heating on 24/7, hibernating at home.

Well almost....

C's tale...
Estee and I have been together about 10 months, and it was that time, the one which inevitably comes around when two people are serious about each other.... meet the parents day! But it all went a bit wrong...

Estee's tale...
A bit wrong?!...well let's just say that this day was building up for a few weeks now and like any one meeting future in-laws it can be...well in my case a lil daunting!!

C says...
Well, how to explain? It all snowballed really... first, my brother decided to include an ingredient in his Sunday dish that Estee just can't eat (*it's a fungus.. who in their right mind would eat fungus?!). And second, Estee began to feel ill, and got no sleep the night before... And third, we had a bit of a falling out, and that didn't help bring about a night of zen-like meditative sleeping either...

Estee says...
Okay folks...let me just say in my defence before C makes me sound like a crazy loon! that the meeting of the parents...like I said has been building up for WEEKS! Ladies I'm sure you will agree with me on this that you would think the man/woman in your life would mention this small lil detail to the chef!

*C would eat fungus! ;)

C says...
Er.. Estee probably has a point there! But you see.. um.. it's not that easy! It's tough to get hold of my brother, y'know?! He's a hermit and doesn't have a phone probably! So I'd have to write him, and how long would that take?! And anyway he can't read!!

Estee says...
Shuddup...that is a blatant lie! :) To cut an odd long story short....I didn't make the Sunday lunch as I was feeling under the weather (caught out in the heavy rain on Sat didn't help!) so I missed out on the delicious funghi!!
Next meeting with future in-laws very soon...hmm...must remember to tell my mum to make her infamous prawn stir fry*the next time we pop round

*C hates prawns